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Downtown Austin Alliance: Issues & Eggs: Connecting People Places with Austin Light Rail

St. David's Episcopal Church 301 East 8th Street Crail Hall, Austin, United States

Hear how the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) is working to design and implement Austin Light Rail to reflect the values and priorities of our community. ATP is working to design and build a Light Rail system that will enhance mobility and vibrancy downtown, making it more accessible for all people. Learn how ATP’s current efforts…

Distinguished Service Awards: Project Connect Community Advisory Committee

ATP Office 203 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas

Presentation of Distinguished Service Awards to members of the Project Connect Community Advisory Committee (CAC). The Austin City Council, CapMetro Board of Directors and the Austin Transit Partnership Board of Directors will acknowledge members of the Project Connect Community Advisory Committee (CAC) contributions and service. Notice of Event

Urban Transportation Commission Presentation

Austin City Hall 301 W 2nd Street, Austin, United States

For access to Urban Transportation Commission meetings visit the City of Austin's UTC webpage

Austin Light Rail: Meet the Prime Contractors Event

ATP Office 203 Colorado Street, Austin, Texas

Small businesses: here's your chance to meet industry partners and discuss opportunities within the Austin Light Rail plan. Are you a small business owner? Already DBE certified (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise)…